Thursday, March 22, 2007

reminiscing about the good ole Guate...

So, today, I got up and it hit me. I was back into reality. No longer surrounded by my friends and peers, no longer crammed for hours is small vans, no more cold showers, no more sweat infested odored clothing to wear, no more Guate...I missed waking up to everyone, I missed those eggs and refried bean breakfasts. My stomach is definately not the same. It's wierd to think how fast things can change for a person, or how what may seem as a small excursion can become something so altering and impacting upon one's life. I have found it awkward to use the computer again and even more so my cell phone. The hot shower was wonderful, but the whole time I took it, the whole time I washed my dirty laundry in the WASHING MACHINE, the whole time I drove my truck around doing errands, the whole time I developed my pictures, I found myself speachless to come up with the words to express what I felt. I've always know that my life has been very blessed, and that I get to experience things that not many others get the opportunity to, such as owning my own car, having a day without "work" or hard labor, or even getting that nice warm shower right when I wanted it. I mean, I've had relatives die, but I've never had to be forced out of my home or run off my land, I've never had my entire family exploited because of another country's selfishness. I've never had to face half the things the people we met have had to and are even currently dealing with. Yet, it amazes me how there is still joy in all of it. I mean even the children found some hope, even though they don't have hardly a roof over their head, they are content, and joyful; they smile, they laugh, they joke, they tease, they play....they work hard, their lives are hard, but they still find something to hope for. Just looking in their eyes you see that something in side them that says "see I'm okay, I'm happy, I have what I need, and I'm more than greatful for that!!!" There's something about them that tells me that even though they have little material wealth, they hold the world, they hold something so great and so powerful that anyone who encounters them and interacts with them and hears their story is left nothing short of speechless!! I look forward to brushing up on my spanish (as well as many other languages) and going back to volunteer and stay for a community at a life at a time, one day at time....To give to others is the truest of gifts. It started with them, and now it's my turn...will you follow?

1 comment:

SMU Guatemala Group said...

Thank you for sharing. I am glad you had a great trip. I will work on helping other communities who are not as fortunate us we are.